Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Biscuit Battle: Update

Tonight when I got home from class I stood at the counter in our kitchen gazing at the sad burned biscuits that will probably end up moldy instead of eaten. I was hungry, and dearly wanted a biscuit, but I didn't want THOSE biscuits. Call me snobby when it comes to food, but I just don't like to eat burnt biscuits. Not in my dietary plan for life. So I decided that I was going to retry the biscuits and see if they came out any better.

In accordance with the changes I said I was going to make yesterday, I went to the store and got some buttermilk. I mixed up those sweet lovely things, cut them out (sadly I didn't have another biscuit cutter with no roof, BUT I did pat the dough out thinner than I did last time, which actually seemed to work better...not to mention it gave me more biscuits, which is always a desirable circumstance), put them on a better pan than last time, popped them in the oven and set them for 15 minutes instead of 18. I ended up taking them out at 12 minutes, because they looked lovely then.

And they were lovely. Let me tell you folks, I love these little biscuits. This all may seem ridiculous to you, but biscuits are very important. If you're not eating good biscuits in your life then you may want to refocus and get to know people who will feed you well, because biscuits are like a major food group all by themselves. A good biscuit is almost like a meal in itself.

So, I was successful! And I am very glad for it. But I have yet to win my mom over to the veggie shortening/buttermilk biscuits. She's still partial to the simple self-rising biscuits that we usually make at our house. I don't know about this...I determined tonight that even though I really enjoy these new biscuits, I'm going to have to do a taste comparison.

Tune in soon for the ultimate Biscuit Battle Challenge.


Amy C. said...

Good Biscuits are truly a wonderful addition to any day.

Zoe said...

They're essential to survival! I eat them for breakfast pretty much every day, in the dining hall.