Friday, February 20, 2009

Love and Loveliness

Is it possible to love another person for no reason at all? Or do there have to be reasons? I suppose any choice a person makes usually has reasons that support and/or lead up to that choice. They're not always good reasons.

I don't think it's possible to love another person for no reason at all. Even when we claim that we don't have reasons we usually do and are just too afraid to share those reasons.

I don't know why the English language only has one word for love. I think we would benefit if our language were more like Greek, with five (or is it four? I can't remember...) different words for love meaning almost completely different things. We have tons of adjectives that can somewhat describe love, but they don't get even close to being an actual word that embodies the essence of any kind of meaning. That's really annoying and can be very confusing. Why don't we have different words for different loves? Is it because love isn't important enough to us? (I'm thinking of that story [which may or may not be true] about how Eskimos have something like 400 different words for snow because they are constantly surrounded by it)

I can love Person A and Person B but feel distinctly different feelings about them both. Perhaps Person A is my father or sister and Person B is my best friend or a friend that I'm not close with anymore. But the feelings of love I have for those two people are completely are those different kinds of love? Or are they just different facets of one love? Perhaps that is it. At least, that would make sense. Especially since God says "I am love"...all of these other loves would stem off of that, different points of view from the same source. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Sometimes I feel like it's wrong to love some people. Well, not necessarily wrong, that's a strong word. Hmmm, more like...sometimes I feel like it's not as acceptable to love some people. I'm not talking about serial killers or evil villains or whatever. I'm thinking more about the people in my life who the world tells me I should be angry with or have nothing to do with. Sometimes I feel like I love those people even more.

And where is the exact point in a romantic relationship where the couple can tell each other "I love you" and it not be a huge mistake? That's the trouble with not having different words for love. I love you like a brother is very different from I want make sweet sweet love to you which is also different from I want to spend the rest of my life with only you. Where does it start? At what place on the line does it start out from? And where does it progress to? Does it keep progressing? Or is there a certain love that takes the cake (humanly speaking) and can never be surpassed? And that's where you could say, "Well, duh Alise, it stops at God. He's the ultimate Love." And I'd go, duh, yeah, I believe you. But as a human I can never give out that kind of love. So, for humans, does it just progress and progress, getting more and more perfect because even though we can never get close to God's Love, at least we can get somewhat within the neighborhood of it? Can romantic love even get anywhere close to the neighborhood of God's Love, or is romantic love naturally flawed because it contains amounts of eroticism that can too easily lead one into idolatry? What would the closest love to God's love be? Parent to child love? That metahpor doesn't always work, obviously, but in the best possible case maybe it could dwell in the neighborhood of God's love.

Is there anyone, on earth and alive, who has never felt love? Is that even possible? Is it possible not to feel love while living in a world that was created by God? Is it possible not to experience love? I mean really, can we ever truly deny love? People love us regardless of whether we want them to or not. Kind of like how people can hate us regardless of how we feel about that. So even if we deny that they love us, it doesn't stop them from loving us...unless we killed them. That'd stop 'em. Jesus loves us...and we can't stop that, even if we deny it.

So there's some questions to think about. :D

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