Monday, February 16, 2009

Three Days

I've missed out on writing for the last three days. Not because I've had anything better to do...well, that's a lie, because I have had better things to do. But the point I'm trying to make is not that I had better things to do and THEREFORE I didn't write a blog, but that I had better things to do and didn't ever get around to doing those important things OR writing a blog. So really, if you think about it and don't draw up a truth table because my argument would probably be very, very unsound, I'm really saying that writing a blog was one of the important things I was thinking of doing and just never got around to doing.

I don't know exactly how I'm still conscious after writing that last paragraph.

Actually, I'm a bit sad that I missed out on writing for the last three days because a lot has happened between now and Thursday. Because it's 1:45 AM and I don't feel like recapping all of my lame adventures, I will simply dole out a very unreliable list of things that happened in no particular chronological order. The challenge will be to try and figure out what happened on what day. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the choices. Ready? Go!

-Ate some chocolate.
-Stood in the rain waiting for my neighbor to come and give my car a jumpstart.
-Walked to class in rain that was pouring down sideways.
-Got very wet and looked like a soaked Schnauzer.
-Called AAA to come tow Gladys, but they jumped her instead.
-Ate lunch at BJs.
-Ate dinner at Thai House with my friend Cameron.
-Watched Bolt with Cameron.
-Talked to a guy about a fireworks booth. Actually, I listened and was cold and miserable.
-Was cold and miserable and at one point I couldn't feel my toes.
-Installed a new and improved washer and dryer
-Taught 1-3 graders about King David.
-Wanted to shoot all those 1-3 graders.
-Decided for the millioneth time that 1-3 graders are not my choice age group.
-Sang the wrong verse for a song.
-Forgot my special music song at home.
-Realized that I am rather selfish.
-Cleaned my room.

Notice that nowhere on this list did I write "Did my homework" or ""Did something useful." Now granted, installing a washer and drying is very useful, and so is getting to know people over dinner or at church. Maybe I should clarify. By useful I mean scholastically accomplishing something. That didn't happen this weekend. Whenever I start to feel bad I just pop some more chocolate in my mouth.

Works like a charm.

1 comment:

Amy C. said...

You make me proud.
I am also very happy that I am not the only person who can be busy and doing stuff all day, and yet still not be scholastically productive when I have a list of scholastic things that I should be productive on.

Chocolate is pretty much a magic food.